I am pleased to report that my book on ministry mentoring is now ready for printing and should be available within a month or so. The whole publishing process has been a learning experience for me. I have spoken with many different people, read many articles, researched several different options, investigated different companies and have settled on publishing with a Canadian Christian company, Word Alive Press.
My intention in writing the book was to provide a guide to ministry mentoring which is biblically based and practical. I believe that if people involved in Christian ministry read the book, they will have an opportunity to reflect on how they can mentor emerging leaders in more effective ways. I am convinced that one of the barriers to mentoring effectively in ministry contexts is that we are not always clear on what we understand by mentoring and so our mentoring experiences are less than satisfying. We know that we should mentor. We think we know how to mentor. But when we actually attempt to do it we do not know whether it has worked. Sometimes, we strike gold and how that energizes us! Other times, we just don’t know why it seems so hard to help someone we know needs our mentoring help. At least that is how I felt, so I dug a little deeper to find out how I can be a better mentor.
In writing Ministering Forward, I have tried to understand ministry mentoring better and then suggest how we can all do this mentoring thing a little more like Jesus and Paul did–albeit in a twenty-first century context.
You can pre-order the book here.
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