Introduction to Notes on Mentoring Blog

I am starting this blog on mentoring because I want to learn how to be a better mentor and this will be one way of processing some of the things I am learning.  I will be working on a project over the next couple of years which will involve studying the subject of ministry mentoring in some depth. I expect that there will be some insights learned or significant quotes on the subject which I will be putting on the blog just to share something that may be helpful for those who are also involved in mentoring. I would also like to receive comments or additional insight that anyone who follows the blog might care to offer.

The early blogs are likely to more about defining what I understand by ministry mentoring. The focus of the blog generally will be around best practices of mentoring  and the mentoring relationship but may also include some actual areas which relate directly to issues of ministry mentoring from time to time. We will see where it goes. Check in from time to time to see if there is anything that interests you. I’d be interested to hear from you. Comments will be monitored.